Optimists bring out the best in our youth,
our communities, and ourselves.
Join a club of likeminded people who love giving back to their community.
Seeing a need for Optimistic work in our community, we journeyed on this adventure and formed our organization to change lives and help youth. The Optimist Club of Anchorage, Alaska Club was chartered on September 2nd, 2020.
We are advocating for youth and dedicated to "Bringing Out the Best in Kids” we strive to our part through community service programs. Our Club is autonomous and run by local members of our community, we have the unique flexibility to serve the youth of our area in any way we see fit. When we see a need in our community we act on it.
Current Club Initiatives:
Respect for Law/Promotion of Non-Violence
Youth Appreciation
Youth Safety
Essay, Oratorical, and Communications Scholarships
Photography Contest
“As a host parent for four years of international students, helping kids in my community is right up my alley, I love working with this organization.”
Amanda Roth
“I love making a difference in kids lives. Giving back to my community is rewarding.”
Daniel Bowen
“When the winters are long, I know I have a group of wonderful people to meet up with and serve our community.”
Andre Giacalone
Monthly Meet Ups
Are you ready to get out there and make new connections? By attending our monthly meet-ups, you can find yourself surrounded by a diverse group of like-minded individuals who are just as passionate about their projects as you are! These gatherings offer a great opportunity to network, explore your interests and make valuable connections. Reach outside of your comfort zone, gain skills related to your area of expertise, connect with other creatives—all in one lunch hour at our fun meet up!
LGBTQIA+ allies
Diverse range of backgrounds
All ages
All cultures
All income levels and abilities
Not a religious organization
“You’re Optimists? But What Do You guys do?" It's hard to explain our work off the cuff, but we get asked that a lot. We do a lot of different things! Some people might say we're Optimists because our work is all about bringing out the best in kids! Others think it has something to do with being boosters for others - both adults and children--to help them be their very best selves so they can have an impact on society as well-rounded individuals who are passionate, purposeful members of our community. Whew! That was a mouthful.
How do we make this exactly happen? Our community service programs involve a wide range of things like helping out at local schools, hosting a drive-in movie night, or raising funds for scholarship programs while bringing people together through meet ups where we can brainstorm ways of making our communities stronger places!
We pay club dues once a year, like most clubs and they are minimal. Just $140 bucks for the whole year, $65 for college students, which helps support our organization (pays insurance premiums & project funds). We rely on donations and partnerships from other organizations and businesses in the community to help with our activities. Plus, there are District conferences that all club members are invited to. They meet in some pretty awesome places like Texas, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Virginia and so on. It’s such a good time.
We are a beacon of light in the frozen north. With our autonomy, we can mold ourselves to meet Alaskan needs. The Lower 48 has different problems than up here so it's really cool that they give us autonomy over picking which projects will receive attention from us.
We are always looking for new members with fresh ideas to help us grow. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to us, we would be glad to chat with you about what our club has to offer and how you will fit in to the equation.
Even better? Come to one of our Saturday meet-ups! Check out our calendar to see where we are next!
Club News
- Dec 22, 2023 Optimist Club of Anchorage Announces January 31, 2024, as Submission Deadline for Esteemed Youth Competitions
- Oct 1, 2023 Announcement of Board of Directors Vacancy and Call for Applications
- Apr 1, 2023 Amanda Roth Reelected as Club President for the Optimist Club of Anchorage, Alaska
- Oct 6, 2020 Peter Oler to fill Vacant Club Director Position
- Oct 6, 2020 Daniel Bowen to Serve as Club Secretary
- Oct 5, 2020 Governor’s Quarterly Magazine